Saturday 11 August 2012

Playlist Length Matters

Playlist Length Matters

11th August 2012

Playlists on radio stations can be too long! Why? Because people dont listen for hours and hours and hours. Terrestrial radio has it right as the day is cut up into sections (3-4 hours) and then the music or content is played and then usually played again in each section. Think about it, how many people have the time to listen to your radio station all day? Very, very few. In fact it is better to have a 2 hour playlist and change this once or twice a week. It keeps the music fresh and people will come back to hear it. Playing 10 hours of music is a waste of time, resources and just plain silly.

We get listening figures and a playlist over 2 hours is a complete waste of your time and  your radio stations time, and makes it look like your are just lazy.

Keep it fresh, keep it interesting, keep it less than 2 hours!


يمكن التشغيل على محطات الإذاعة تكون طويلة جدا! لماذا؟ لأن لا الناس يستمعون لساعات وساعات وساعات. الراديوية الأرضية لديها ذلك الحق كما هو قطع اليوم ارتفع إلى أقسام (3-4 ساعات)، ثم يتم تشغيل الموسيقى أو المحتوى ومن ثم لعبت عادة مرة أخرى في كل قسم. تفكر في ذلك، كم من الناس لديهم الوقت للاستماع إلى محطة الراديو الخاص بك كل يوم؟ جدا، قليلة جدا. في واقع الأمر من الأفضل أن يكون اثنين الأغاني ساعة وتغيير هذا مرة واحدة أو مرتين في الأسبوع. إنها تحافظ على الموسيقى العذبة والناس سوف أعود للاستماع اليه. لعب 10 ساعة من الموسيقى هو مضيعة للوقت والموارد وسخيفة مجرد.

نحصل على الاستماع إلى الأغاني والأرقام أكثر من ساعتين هو مضيعة كاملة من وقتك وقتك المحطات الإذاعية، ويجعلها تبدو وكأنها الخاص بك كسالى فقط.

يبقيه جديدة، والحفاظ على أنها مثيرة للاهتمام، ويبقيه أقل من ساعتين!


Playlist su stazioni radio può essere troppo lungo! Perché? Perché la gente non ascoltare per ore e ore e ore. Radio terrestre ha il diritto come il giorno viene tagliato in sezioni (3-4 ore) e poi la musica o il contenuto viene riprodotto e poi di solito gioca di nuovo in ogni sezione. Pensateci, quante persone hanno il tempo di ascoltare la vostra stazione radio tutto il giorno? Molto, molto pochi. In effetti è meglio avere un due ore playlist e modificare una o due volte alla settimana. Mantiene la musica fresca e la gente tornerà a sentire. Riproduzione di 10 ore di musica è una perdita di tempo, risorse e stupido semplicemente.

Veniamo ascolto figure e una playlist più di due ore è una completa perdita di tempo e il tempo stazioni radio, e lo fa apparire come il vostro sono solo pigro.

Mantenere la freschezza, tenerlo interessante, tenerlo meno di due ore!


Playlists stations de radio peuvent être trop long! Pourquoi? Parce que les gens ne écouter pendant des heures et des heures et des heures. Radio terrestre a raison que la journée est découpée en sections (3-4 heures), puis la musique ou le contenu est lue, puis joue habituellement à nouveau dans chaque section. Pensez-y, combien de personnes ont le temps d'écouter votre station de radio toute la journée? Très, très peu. En fait, il est préférable d'avoir une liste de lecture de deux heures et changer une ou deux fois par semaine. Il garde la musique fraîche et les gens vont revenir à l'entendre. Jouer 10 heures de musique est une perte de temps, de ressources et carrément ridicule.

Nous vous écoute chiffres et une playlist plus de deux heures est un gaspillage complet de votre temps et de votre radio stations du temps, et le fait ressembler vous êtes simplement paresseux.

Conserver au frais, garder ça intéressant, gardez-le au moins deux heures!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, but I disagree 100%. Tuning into a radio station at various times of the day or week and hearing the same songs repeated in the same order is more indicative of a lazy broadcaster than, lets say, a request hour, for example. Who wants to hear the same 2 or 3 songs on their way home from work that they listened to on their way to work? I know I don't!

    Sure, some listeners want to hear a new or a favorite song more often than others. However, listeners tend to change the station when songs come on that they dislike or have listened to repeatedly. Listeners get bored.
